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My never failing friends are they, with whom I converse day by day.
-Robert Southey
His words suit aptly to the library in the Karnataka law society school. The books in real sense are the true friends, philosophers and guides, not only for students who are the actual consumers of the vast treasure of knowledge in the library, but also the teaching faculty who extract the essence of wisdom from them. Books in the KLS library vary from a wide section of subjects from myth, mythology to fiction including reference books, current affairs, sociology, mathematics, science, E-books etc. catering to the needs of the diverse intellectual ability of the individual students.
We, at K L S School utilize the resource material to the maximum ensuring increase in the intelligent quotient satisfying their curiosity ensuring better achievements, making them ideal individuals of the society and thus strengthen our nation by providing excellent citizens for the country. Thus in the long run fulfilling our motto of AMRITAM TU VIDYA
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